Issue of more provinces


Punjab Chief Minister Mian Shahbaz Sharif has rightly demanded that new provinces should be set up on administrative divisions and not on linguistic basis.

There is no harm in having more provinces but do the ground realities permit in establishing more provinces when the people of five provinces are divided in different ethnic groups? Adding one more ethnic group will open up a Pandora’s Box which the nation can ill afford at this critical juncture of the country’s history. We have failed to live like brothers and transform ourselves in to one nation and creating additional provinces is tantamount to challenging the very existence of Pakistan.

At the time of independence Pakistan had 26 divisions which were later on made into one unit and we ended up losing better part of Pakistan. If at all more provinces are needed, let it be on administrative basis, create 26 administrative provinces.

Pakistan belongs to 180 million people of Pakistan. It does not belong to any individual or political party. Rulers should read on the walls, see the mood of the people. They are well-advised to concentrate on solving problems of poor people instead of using diversionary tactics. It must be categorically stated that media and judiciary combined together will not allow present rulers to play with the destiny of this nation.

Let us all work on one agenda; be Pakistani and become one nation instead of creating new provinces and further dividing ourselves. Let us bring peace in this country so that we can feel proud in the comity of nations. Our smallest error at this stage, under intoxication of power, can be disastrous for the country.




  1. Creation of new provinces on administrative basis is the right primise to begin long due discussion among our representatives. Punjab taking the lead on the issue will have good effect for others to follow.

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