We are all Norwegian


The unfortunate and upsetting attacks in Oslo within hours on the ruling party sponsored youth summer camp have shocked not only the Norwegians who thought their country to be a safe place but also the people of Pakistan who have been through the three decades of fighting a US proxy war against the USSR then terrorism, and in return have reaped insecurity in the region.

In a globalised world where ideas and information travel around the globe within seconds, and in a situation where humanity seems to have decided to establish who is right and who is wrong in this world by fighting it, out we can observe growing disregard for human life all around. Fundamentalism be it Islamic, Christian, or any other defies tolerance.

Let us work together for world peace and avoid throwing daisy cutters and cluster bombs on innocent people anywhere because it generates unending resentment and frustration among people and they often resort to violent means.

Praying for the Norwegians, we look for peace and prosperity in the world.

