Pakistan Today

Blue murder

The mind. What is the mind? It’s the place that drives the human soul. It’s where everything stems from, where everything is stored. It’s where creativity and solutions are found. It’s God’s gift to man. To excel beyond belief, trap the treasures of the universe and enrich them. It’s also where diabolical and destructive factors abound. Where man destroys himself and everything around him. There also comes a point when this magnificent organ comes to a complete halt.

This is where I find myself. I am living a comfortable life given the circumstances, but all around me is death. At a distance perhaps, but it’s within my knowledge. This normalcy is surreal, totally artificial. When people express horror what do you say? Mumble some nothings because there is nothing else to say.

Pakistan is stuck in a no consequences warp. There are no consequences, no retribution, or even regret for the worst possible misdemeanours. This, unfortunately, has become our culture. Where one can commit the proverbial blue murder and walk free, head held high. The founder of this country must be turning in his grave, wondering what hell has been let loose on this part of Mother Earth.

This to my mind is the root cause of our national failure. The law is meant for breaking. Access to arms is easier than getting water. Known structural deficiencies are nurtured. The organ of policing is basically flawed. The judicial system at the grass roots operational level is defective. Enforcement is no more than a myth. Penalties, if levied, are insufficient and records, history sheets are not maintained. Criminals roam freely and it is not unheard of that many are lucratively employed in government jobs. Even the law enforcement agencies have been infiltrated.

The lack of discipline in our daily lives, probably also ascribed to poor educational opportunities, flourishes because there is no accountability. Attitudes at home, in educational institutions and the work place are atrocious; stamped with a misguided arrogance and aggression that is appalling. Look at the social contract; it is disregarded with a high sense of irresponsibility both at the private and governmental levels. Corruption thrives. Rules are flouted with aplomb. Karachi’s multi-storied monstrosities, slums at best in the most posh areas, are glaring examples.

Simple social courtesies, second nature in the civilised world, are ignored. People don’t park their cars; they just leave them where they please. The meaning of ‘wait your turn’ is unknown. If someone dares to suggest this, it is taken as abuse and unimaginable invectives hurled at them. Physical manhandling, a punishable crime, is common nature. It will not even be registered forget being prosecuted. There is an endless list.

The tragedy is all of this falls on deaf ears. No one listens. If they do give an ear, it’s dismissed quickly with a “know all” response. One is written off as jealous. The truth is no one cares. Just look at the smug look on the faces of those considered principal stakeholders. They are just not pushed. To look at them one would quickly imagine that one is overreacting and that things are all hunky dory. So long as their bidding is done, that’s what matters. The masses are passé; tools to be toyed with.

The truth is somewhat different. They choose to ignore because they have no answers or remedies. Listening would mean having to act, to tax their minds to come up with solutions, satisfy the demands of the electorate. This would be exposing their limitations and, of course, their intentions. Turmoil suits most. The onus to deal with this does not rest on the government alone, it is very much the citizens’ responsibility. Both elements must make common cause.

A principal organ of the government is busy playing trivial pursuit. A modern day Don Quixote tilting at windmills while the country burns and death litters the atmosphere. Real issues are ignored. The papers read like a terrible nightmare. 300 plus people died in Karachi in July and more will die given the current trend. A governor was assassinated; the self-confessed murderer continues to avoid the process of law. And we are worried about some people who have disappeared. The true administration of justice is the only real confirmation of good governance.

Instead of remedies, one reads of ridiculous fantasies. Law and order crisis, power crisis, water crisis, every possible crisis exists and politicians are busy working on Machiavellian schemes to displace governments and secure electoral success. Shutting down businesses, ignoring essential deliverables, all the time playing and tinkering with the lives of the people and the country. Flouting norms must come to an end.

Cognizance needs to be taken by the real stakeholders of this country: its people. If we allow indiscipline to reign and launch violent protests when attempts are made to arrest it, then we do not deserve to live a better life. Accountability, consequences for those who dare to violate the basic norms of civilised existence are of absolute essence. No government or citizenry can dare to ignore this.


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