Pakistan Today

MQM-H wants army action in Karachi

Peace in Karachi can only be restored if rangers and the army carry out an operation against the Indian intelligence agency(RAW)-trained murderers and assassinators who are carrying out unlawful activities under the Mutahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) banner, Mohajar Qaumi Movement Haqaqi (MQM-H) Vice Chairman Shashad Khan Ghuri said in his party’s maiden press conference in Punjab on Monday. Replying to a volley of questions from the reporters at Lahore Press Club, Ghouri alleged that the terrorists were getting trained by RAW agents in South Africa and were returning to Pakistan with Israeli arms.
Supporting his claims, he cited the statement and findings of Interior Minister Rehman Malik who categorically stated ammunition made in Israel was being used in Karachi. The central leader of MQM-H said that peace rallies by MQM were merely attempts to misguide the masses and everyone knew that Altaf Hussain was behind all the assassinations, present and past. Shamshad said it was really unfortunate that the strong Pakistani media which had been very vocal against General Musharraf, against all political parties, against religious leaders and against terrorism, was criminally silent against the terrorism of MQM.

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