Pakistan Today

A resilient nation

Pakistan is a strong and resilient nation that has withstood many upheavals and crisis with aplomb. Those who say that this is a lost nation are sadly mistaken. This nation has had to struggle but in no way is it a failed state. There are many challenges but the people of Pakistan are more than willing and able to deal with them.

The present government is very much aware of its responsibilities and is doing its best to ensure a strong and viable state. It is working hard to end corruption, to end water, gas and electricity shortages and to deal with multifarious other problems being faced by Pakistan today.

Insinuations of a foreign hand in running this country are misplaced. Pakistanis are very much in control of their own destinies and would certainly not like to give up their independence in this regard.

Politicians possess the will and the savvy required to navigate the currents of change. By and large they are playing an active and constructive role to bring about betterment in society. We must remember that change takes time and that years of ineptitude cannot by wiped away in a day.




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