Pakistan Today

Terrorism has no religion

It would seem that the Western media and opinion makers are disappointed that the perpetrator of the Oslo tragedy was not a Muslim. When they can’t find any connection with Islam, they try to manufacture one by quoting from “jihadist websites” (Bruce Riedel, World View 28 July). Whereas, Mr Riedel has given several examples of Islamic jihadist’s views to prove his case, not a single example has been given of the Christian fundamentalist quotes/views.

He might be right in claiming that both extremists want the world to be polarised. It is true that Islamic jihadists are creating conflict, but aren’t the actions of Nato and their allies in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, contributing in antagonising ordinary Muslims? If Western opinion-makers think that raids that wipe out entire wedding parties and then explaining it away by insensitive excuses will not affect public opinion, they need to attend human behaviour courses. They should realise that the average Abdullah is more politically aware than the average John.

Finally, it is Mr. Riedel and his Lodge-Fellows, who are also guilty of contributing towards this clash by including imaginary Islamic connections in their articles on events and actions perpetrated by fundamentalist Christians. Perhaps they should spend their energies on investigating how deep-rooted Christian extremism is in Western society and thus help in preventing another Oslo tragedy from taking place.




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