Careful analysis


Lucky are our those honourable journalists who have found themselves in good books of Mr Tahroor, happy should be our honourable President Zaradri and company that they have found a new jiyala in the shape of Tahroor.

Excited should be our international and internal critics of GHQ/ISI that now they have an intellectual like Tahroor on their side and saddened should be our liberal Pakistanis who have failed to impress a liberal leader from a neighbouring country in his recent visit to Lahore and there is a lot more they are required to do before they can attain this liberal crown.

The writer in his latest article has termed this whole country of Pakistan a “fundamentalist jihadi proxy agents of ISI/GHQ whose stomachs are filled with Anti-India and anti-human sentiments and whose hands are covered with the blood of Baloch, Shia and Pashtun people.

As far as the role of ISI/GHQ and its strength in Pakistan is concerned, it is not something of a secret. GHQ does play an important role in our foreign policy. So do the relevant establishments in other countries too. Military establishments around the globe are key players in formulation of any states policy. And why should Tahoor has a problem with that as every country works according to its interests? As far as democracy is concerned, the principles of democracy are not same around the globe. Every state follows its own democratic traditions according to its needs.

