Punjab Finance Department claims no discrimination


A spokesman of the Punjab finance department has said that there is no discrimination by distributing honorarium to the staff of the finance department and further clarified that a news item published regarding discrimination in distribution of honorarium in finance department was not based on facts. However, Pakistan Today adds that the finance department sent a summary to distribute Rs 9 million as honorarium to employees but was asked to reduce it to Rs 7 million. The Finance department did not slash honorariums across the board, rather it opted to pick and choose. It may further be notified that the Finance Department Deputy Secretary Resources, who is also department spokesperson had received the highest honorarium while other officials faced cuts.


  1. Supercilios DMG officers are committing vehement discrimination in the Punjab with the sons of this soil. Most of the DMG officers are involved in corruption, kick-backs and deals. These aliens must be sent back to the Federation. There is no need for such arrogant officers in the Punjab after 18th Amendment.Like purge of 300 & 1303 in 1973, fresh bureaucratic reforms are dire need of the time. Editor in Chief, Financial Mail, Multan.

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