Without foreign aid


Pakistan can live without foreign aid, but it has to make some tough choices. Currently, its economy is in a bad shape because of mismanagement, corruption and war against terror. According to estimates, Pakistan’s economy has suffered direct and indirect losses of up to $67.93 billion because of its role in the war against terror.

In recent times, Pakistan’s foreign debt has crossed $58bn mark. Our economy is heavily dependent on aid from WB, IMF, ADB, Japan, China and the US. Now is the time to realise that Pakistan has the potential and means for its development and growth. Pakistan is a blessed country; it has skilled manpower, abundance of natural resources and an effective diaspora abroad. But what we lack is a visionary leadership.

As of today, 70 percent of Pakistanis is below the age of 35. This is a blessing. We have to utilise this asset. Our youth is optimistic as far as the future of Pakistan is concerned. They are hopeful that the night of misery and dismay will soon be over and they will be able to see a bright and shining Pakistan. This youth needs a leader who can lead them and show them a way out of this impasse. Our leaders must benefit from this young population and formulate a long-term far-sighted policy to make the most of this young force, only then can we ensure a bright future for our coming generations.

