Women’s health


It is very important to look into this issue in a country where a woman dies every thirty minutes due to pregnancy related issues. At present, Pakistan has the sixth largest population in the world. Pakistan is a highly populated country with the lack of basic necessities of life in its most areas. According to the PMDC, though the total number of the doctors in Pakistan has reached 149,144 in the basics and the specialties, there is still a lapse of 222,000 of doctors in Pakistan as compared to the population.

The statistics of PMDC show that there are only 6102 female medical specialists which cover the whole Pakistani women population. It is a well-known maxim that prevention is better than cure. If Pakistani women will follow the instructions of post-natal physical activities and fitness programmes, it will help them to become physically active as well as will lessen the huge burden on doctors regarding post-natal issues.





  1. this is very informative page that elaborate the physical activity for women.
    dr hassan take a good step to aware the nation about women health

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