Unauthorised closure


It was with great joy and relief that we, the residents of Sectors G-13 and G-14/4, received the good news that the opening ceremony of the bridge connecting G-13/1 & G-13/2 with G-13/3 and G-13/4 was performed on July 23, 2011 by the minister of housing.

However, one hour after the opening ceremony, it was noted with great disappointment that the said bridge was again closed down for traffic by placing obstacles on the road. This was done, we learned, by the police at the behest of the Kashmir Highway Toll Collecting Contractor.

One fails to understand why a bridge is built at huge expense and then closed down one hour after its opening ceremony. This bridge is a convenient means of transportation and a necessity for the residents who have to travel daily between the sub-sectors of G-13 and G-14/4.

