Nambardars asked to spy on militants


The police are recruiting traditional village tax collectors to snoop on militant groups but critics say the plan is ill conceived and unlikely to be of much use. On a recent day about 100 of the tax collectors, known as numberdars, sat under a big tent in the town of Sahiwal, in Punjab province, listening to lectures from policemen and lawyers about their new duties. A police official read instructions from a briefing booklet to the men before the day-long session ended with a question session during which some of the men raised fears for their safety if militants caught on to their spying.
“We asked the government to issue us with arms licences so we can protect ourselves,” said one of the men after the session, “our families will be at risk,” said the would-be informant, who declined to be identified for security reasons. Authorities are turning to any means they can to try and end the bloodshed and police in Punjab hope the force of collectors of taxes on water for irrigation can augment their efforts. “We want numberdars to become the eyes and ears of police and help us in eliminating terrorism,” senior Sahiwal police official Shahzada Ghous Ahmed, who is organising the workshops, told Reuters.
The plan is being field tested in Sahiwal, 340 km (210 miles) south of Islamabad, and about 800 numberdars have been trained since the beginning of June. During the workshops, the numberdars are given a booklet containing the names of 32 militant organisations, including al Qaeda, the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Sipah-e-Sahaba, and asked to provide information about their members.
“It is now the duty (of the numberdars) to point out the terrorists,” police said in the 12-page booklet. Security officials in Sahiwal said they had prepared a list of 111 hardcore militants in the district and numberdars have been told to find out what they are up to.
OLD SYSTEM, NEW THREAT: The bid to revive the numberdari system in Punjab mirrors government efforts to mobilise ethnic Pashtun elders in the northwest to tackle militancy there. There, some tribal elders have raised militias to help the military but the militants have struck back hard, killing hundreds of elders and militia members.
Security analysts said the numberdars’ fears that the same fate could await them were justified. “The numberdar is part of the society. If he started telling this then he can be killed,” said military expert and security analyst Ayesha Siddiqa. “Why should he do it?” Police official Ahmed said they had promised to allow numberdars to keep weapons if they provided good information about militants.
Another analyst said the plan had not been properly thought through. “It’s a half-hearted and not very well-thought out effort because it is risky for those who will do this job and apparently there is no backup plan to protect them,” said political and security analyst Hasan Askari Rizvi. “It’s a drama. They already have this information,” Siddiqa said, referring to the Punjab government’s longstanding link with the banned organizations. “Historically, we’ve seen when leaders of banned organisations are arrested then they (government officials) make phone calls for their release, “ she said.