Ramadan and begging


As the month of Shabaan is going to end and Ramadan is round the corner, throughout the country many professional beggars are preparing themselves for migration to the major cities of the country. The reason behind is that beggars take advantage of the fact that most people are looking to do charity during Ramadan, which results in a rise in the number of beggars in the streets. Children will squat outside mosques, government offices, in market places, and wherever else they can get alms.

The holy month of Ramadan is considered to be the peak season for beggars as Muslims want to approach Allah by helping the poor. As their number will increase in the major cities, incidence of theft, mobile snatching, dacoit, and many other social evils will rise to its peak. As begging is not acceptable in our religion, the needy families and individuals should be encouraged to approach only the charitable organisations for assistance.

The negative impact of giving alms to the beggars and the street hawkers leads to the spread of the menace, so the public should refrain from giving alms to the panhandlers. Instead, they should donate money to the official charitable organisations. Social welfare department of government should deploy special anti-begging teams throughout the country during the month of Ramadan to check the menace. There is a dire need to bring in strict laws against these professionals.

It is advisable not only the law enforcement agencies should play their positive role in curbing the menace and discharge their duties in accordance with the law, but also the people should realise that giving alms to the beggars encourages them to beg.

