Peshawar sizzles, electricity fizzles


The WAPDA authorities again earned a ‘good name’ with remaining firm to its rich tradition of ensuring hours long load-shedding and particularly halted power supply during the Friday prayers.
Power supply around Peshawar was suspended when people started entering into mosques for offering Friday prayers. With imams busy in delivering weekly sermons, the outages provided them with an opportunity to blast WAPDA and the government. And their views seconded by the people who had to face hot and humid weather in suffocating surroundings.
The outages, which continued for the whole day, crippled the routine life and citizens started praying for rain to ease their sufferings.
After observing patience for a long time, the consumers across the province are coming out on the streets to protest against inability on the part of the government to deliver the basic necessities. In Peshawar and other towns protest demonstrations against load-shedding have become a routine feature.