NICL scam


Just hours after the Abbottabad operation when the US Navy Seals’ boots had trampled upon the sovereignty and security of Pakistan leaving grim concerns in the brains of the common man here about the capability and efficiency of our security apparatus, the opportunist flock of politicians were administrating the oath to secure the coveted portfolios for them. This set of politicians kept mum as if nothing had gone wrong with Pakistan. This group hails from the increasingly dividing PML(Q) headed by the Chaudhrys of Gujrat.

It was quite shameful to notice when all the country was ditched into a mixture of gloom and ire, they were planning to ensconce comfortably at the helms of affairs. Disquieted brains were looking at army’s credentials with quizzical eyes but the Chaudhrys had their eyes fixed on the chairs of power.

The question germinates as to why the leadership of PML(Q) chose to ally with PPP despite the fact that the latter’s popularity with the public was dipping low.

The stalwarts of PML(Q) had been voicing against the policies of PPP ever since 2008 elections. The Chaudhrys also knew that an alliance with the federal government could jeopardise the stature of their party. Moreover, many parliamentarians of PML(Q) were against allying with PPP.

Some carry pedigree of traditional animosity with the members of PPP in their areas while others take exception to go for this coalition due to the history of ideological differences which has exhibited well in the incarnation of the senior Chaudhry, Zahoor Elahi. But nothing could desist the leaders of PML(Q) to join and sit with their ever-spoken archrivals.





  1. The Chaudhries of Gujrat ever since their late father died Zahur Elahi died, have focused on politics of violence in their area and made it an objective to make money, mostly illegally as soon as possible, whatever the means adopted and whenever the opportunity arose. This time one of their scions was caught in NICL case and they chose to forget about everything alse and get him released, If they did.nt their political and financial power based on deceit, fraud, manipulation and intimidation could come crumbling down, hence the sudden need to join government and save their backside. Their is no room for principles in the politics of the Ch from Gujrat, it is all about winning and making profitable compromises.

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