President of Pakistan


I am pleased to learn that the English daily Pakistan Today has launched its Islamabad edition. On this occasion, I wish to felicitate the publishers, editors, journalists, staff and all those associated with Pakistan Today.
The launch of Pakistan Today from Islamabad within less than a year of its debut from Lahore demonstrates the commitment and determination of the editors and publishers to make a mark in the competitive world of print media in Pakistan. This determination is most commendable indeed.
The profession of media demands from its practitioners that they exhibit constant introspection and that they make conscious efforts to meet to the requirements of fairness and objectivity in reporting on the one hand and the demands of financial viability on the other. I am confident that all those associated with the Pakistan Today are fully conscious of the need to strike that magical balance which makes a newspaper truly great.
I wish Pakistan Today good luck in its future endeavours.

Asif Ali Zardari
President of Pakistan