Action and reaction


In our school days, we learnt Newton’s pretty much fundamental laws of physics. One of them was, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

However, in the present day milieu, the way the country is being governed, had Newton been alive, he would have amended his law into “for every action, there is an equal and opposite government programme. Just to prove and justify his argument, look at the few things happening in the country:

1. President Zardari has resumed politics in President House despite LHC’s verdict against it.

2. Sindh government has amended police act, taking us back to 150 years. Well, we deserve to be sent back to the Stone Age.

3. The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is being violated, time and again. It shows government’s power.

4. Drone attacks continue despite Parliament’s resolution against them.

5. New political alliances taking shape despite so much mud slinging earlier.

6. Corruption touching new heights without anyone being declared culprit.

7. Karachi, once the city of lights, is burning.

