‘Art for Future’ showcased


To mark the anniversary of last year’s devastating floods, the UK-based Islamic Relief organization, in collaboration with the Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA), organized a cultural event titled ‘Art for Future’ on Thursday at the PNCA auditorium. An art and painting competition was held between schoolchildren from the flood-affected areas of the country. Out of the 450 paintings submitted, 150 were selected by the PNCA committee and displayed in the exhibition.
Islamic Relief Founder Dr Hany El Banna, British High Commissioner Adam Thomson, UN-OCHA country representative, Mannoal Besler, Brig. Sajid Naeem from NDMA and Islamic Relief Country Director Fadlullah Wilmot were among the distinguished guests present on the occasion. Government officials and people from the civil society; heads of local and international non government organizations (NGOs) and university students, were also in attendance.
Addressing the occasion, British High Commissioner Adam Thomson appreciated Islamic Relief’s flood response programme. He said that the UK government and its donor organizations have always been on the forefront of flood relief and rehabilitation activities, and that Islamic Relief is one of the top UK-based organizations in this respect. UNOCHA representative Mannoal Besler appreciated the resilience of the Pakistani nation during this time of trial and distress while Brig Sajid Naeem from NDMA talked of the need to strengthen disaster response.
Islamic Relief Country Director Fadlullah Wilmot said that the floods of 2010 were one of the largest and most complex disasters in human history, covering an area the size of England and impacting over 18 million people- 13 million of whom still remain in need of help. He highlighted the Islamic Relief approach and said “we are working in flood-hit areas with an integrated approach, covering all basic segments of life including preparedness and disaster risk reduction”.
Talking about the art work of children, he stressed the need to educate Pakistani youth as he believed this to be the only solution to poverty. He said that Pakistan is a blessed country for it has a huge potential and its youth are talented, but there is dire need to give youth direction and exposure. He further elaborated that education is the new currency and stressed the need to educate our children and provide them with better opportunities in order to brighten our future.
Head of Humanitarian Programm, Umair Hassan and PNCA visual art director Naheed Imam also spoke on the occasion. Islamic Relief Founder Dr. Hany El Banna gave away prizes to the winners of the art competition. Children from flood-affected areas expressed their views and highlighted their problems. Participants of the event were appreciative of the children’s artwork.