Strong-arming an ally


It seems the US is more than eager to put us against the wall. Not a day goes by that does not bring new warnings and threats from the US administration. Either they are telling us to “do more” or that we are “incompetent”. This blame game does not behove a country that claims to be our ally in the war on terrorism.

Recently, Admiral Mullen’s disclosure that the government of Pakistan had sanctioned the killing of journalist Shazad has raised many eyebrows. Despite the government’s rejection of the charge, this would be taken seriously by the men in the corridors of power. Mullen’s statement will hit on the sensitivities.

He has blamed the government. Does it mean the executive head or the titular head? The recent happenings, including a gathering of LGBT in the American embassy, indicate that they are pursuing some bigger game plan.





  1. Never trust a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant). It will keep your hand even if you extend it in friendship. Under no circumstance should Pakistan take USA seriously. USA is a rogue anti-Muslim belligerent country and no decent country allies itself with a rogue country.

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