Suggestions for KBD


Since the last two decades, KBD has been under discussion. Apart from Punjab, the other three provinces are against it mainly due to the fact that it lies in Punjab. Technically as well as from the economic point of view it is known to be a must for Pakistan. If they are opposing just because of its location, then I suggest as under:

1. The KBD and all other major dams in Pakistan may be considered to be part of the Federal area and a bill to this effect be passed in the parliament.

2. The Economic Coordination Committee should be given the task to allocate the water and power so produced by these major dams on the basis of:

a. Population.

b. Yearly requirements for major crops.

c. Any other economic/development conditions.

3. The ECC should then allocate the power and water resources of all major dams annually to all four provinces and a law must be passed after due consultation.

If the above is agreed upon, the political bickering which is directly harming our interests will be taken care of. While we are still having in-fighting about one dam (KBD), India has started planning/constructing 36 dams on our rivers. This year we were short of water by 30 % and the power shortfall is around 6000 MW which this dam can take care of with cheaper power at only one rupee per unit. While other planned dams may take another 2-4 years to start construction, KBD is ready for the stone-laying ceremony.

A common man is suffering just because of some dirty politics is being played by those who oppose the dam. By opposing such an important requirement of the country, aren’t our politicians aiding the enemy and harming our national interests? For those who have the interests of Pakistan and its people’s supreme, need to reconsider this issue and do so quickly. No committees, please!

