Pakistan Today

Our brand of democracy

Many politicians in the national and provincial assemblies are now billionaires while they were not so before joining the politics. We elect the rich and powerful to solve our problems about which they have no concern. Those who call themselves democratic are in the game of politics to prevent people from taking part in the affairs of the country. They want to keep the status quo.

At present, three out of four Pakistanis are living in poverty, are illiterate and unemployed. Political leaders have no plan, policy and strategy to solve these problems. The mainstream political parties, in a blatant contrast to their claims of championing the cause of democracy, go totally against the wishes of their voters.

They must hold local bodies elections and empower the people at grass root level, which is the foundation of democracy.

The civilian government is not interested in local bodies elections. The provincial governments are not prepared to devolve their power to the local governments. The legislators whose main job is to makes the laws, debate issues and find the solution, are more interest to have development funds for their constituency than anything else.

These elected representatives in assemblies are protecting their own business interests and the interests of industrialist, traders, feudals and others within the khaki and civil bureaucracy.




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