Fight against corruption


Should our so-called religious parties not wage a jihad against corruption, following the example set by a non-believer, a Hindu named Anna Hazare, who went on a nine-day fast in India and now plans to undertake another such protest in August. It would certainly help lose some pounds of fat of our saffron turbaned self-assumed mullahs, with bellies protruding several feet beyond their chest. This may help them overcome the allegations.

My query is does Islam not forbid corruption? Since Islam does not allow corruption and considers it a crime against society, it is the duty of our civil and religious society torch bearers to launch a movement against rampant corruption within the ruling political elite and members of civil or khaki establishment. Why is the Supreme Court being burdened with what should be the constitutional obligation of the elected executive to prosecute the corrupt, instead of protecting them as is the case in NICL, Hajj and Punjab Bank scams to name a few?

What we see in Pakistan is that corruption is being institutionalised and a coalition has been formed with an undeclared agenda to protect the corrupt. This venomous serpent called corruption today has starved our industries of electricity, destroyed our moral fiber and made law and order a serious issue, which threatens our very survival. Even the institution of democracy is being harmed by these pirates in the garb of politics, who consider getting elected a ticket to plunder state assets, violate laws and make a mockery of our sovereignty.

