Pakistan Today

A suggestion

I would like to give a realistic and practical suggestion to PEPCO for the loadshedding crisis. Presently, all the consumers – whether they pay their electricity bills regularly or not and those who do not pay at all – are all treated alike when it comes to the loadshedding schedule.PEPCO should devise a new formula according to the areas. In areas, where it detects that power thefts are at a maximal level, the loadshedding should be the maximum in comparison to the areas where the residents pay bills regularly. PEPCO should survey all such localities and grade these accordingly. After all, why should law-abiding citizens suffer the same as those who are power thieves or indulge in other malpractices which lead to PEPCO suffering colossal line losses (over 30 percent) resulting in the increase of power rates.

In the long run, the residents of an area who suffer greater loadshedding due to those stealing power may report such cases with a higher frequency making them easier to apprehend. Moroever, the corruption by linemen and other PEPCO staff is also likely to be reduced.

The formula for evaluating the categories for the amount of loadshedding may also be notified in the media by PEPCO. If this exercise is carried out sincerely, I am sure the citizens will accept it willingly. Why not start a pilot programme from Lahore (LESCO)?




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