Pakistan Today

All institutions should be ready for reform, says prime minister

The country is heading towards a new era and state and its institutions should respond to the dynamism, as the reforms process is a long and arduous task, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said on Thursday. He was addressing the passing out ceremony of the 38th Common Training Programme (CTP) and 33rd Specialised Training Programme (STP) of the District Management Group (DMG) at Aiwan-e-Iqbal.
Addressing the civil servants, the PM said all institutions should play their part as governance was a combined process. He said interests and ambitions should always be based upon ground realities and reforms should always be done without “letting emotions highjack them”. Check: He said Pakistan was passing through “difficult times” and it was time to take a “reality check” to cope with tough challenges facing the country.
Gilani said the international mantra coming from certain quarters that Pakistan was a failed state was based on “faulty perceptions”. “When all state institutions including the judiciary, the parliament and the media are working and we have a functioning democracy, we should now focus on strengthening the country,” he said, adding that the old ways of responding to crises would not work any more.
The prime minister said Pakistan was facing great security challenges and the struggling economy had further compounded these challenges. He said the reforms process was a long arduous path that required patience, analytical skills and dispassionate approach and stressed upon all institutions to play their due role.
Gilani said the nation was witnessing a transformation in the concept and style of governance and public service, adding that age-old practices had given way to new and fresh ideas in all facets of management and administration.

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