Taliban threaten to hit more installations in Pakistan


A top Taliban commander has threatened to carry out attacks on nine more key installations in Pakistan similar to the strike on Mehran Naval Base in Karachi to avenge the death of Osama bin Laden.
“The revenge game has already been started from Pakistan. The attack on Mehran Naval Base in Karachi was the first in the line of 10 that Taliban has planned to avenge the death of bin Laden,” Wali-ur Rehman, head of Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) in South Waziristan, told Al-Arabiya in an interview.
Taliban militants last month struck Pakistan Navy’s key Mehran airbase and destroyed two front line P3C Orion maritime spy planes and killed 10 security men including an officer and some firemen.
“Nine more attacks of the same intensity have been planned on equally important installations,” said Rehman, who carries a reward of $600,000 on his head and figures on the US list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists.
Describing the Pakistan army as “a US puppet,” he said Taliban envisions fighting for at least eight years against the security forces.
Rehman, who was speaking from Shawal, the border area of South and North Waziristan, also threatened to carry out attacks against American, British and French targets.
“Soon you will see attacks against America and NATO countries, and our first priorities in Europe will be France and Britain,” he added.
Bin Laden was killed in a US commando operation in Pakistan’s garrison town of Abbottabad on May 2. So far Pakistani Taliban has not demonstrated its ability to strike outside Pakistan and Afghanistan. However, the foiled Times Square bombing attempt points at their recruitment strategy and ability in the West.