Our collective failure


For the past few years, our country continues to be on the list of 15 failed states and nobody seems to be bothered by it. This reflects on the collective failure and decadence that has set within our executive, civil bureaucracy, judiciary and even the uniformed services. While the superior judiciary, after restoration of Chief Justice of Supreme Court, has accepted shortcomings within lower judiciary, and seems to be on the path of reforming itself, the same unfortunately cannot be said for other vital institutions of the state.

Institutionalised corruption, or deceit by the ruling elite, exploitation of religion and ethnicity have assumed alarming proportions and the tragedy is that we seem to accept all these shortfalls as a necessary evil. There is unchecked flight of capital and human resources and nobody seems to be least pushed. Crimes against women and minor girls are on the rise. People are being defrauded of their lifetime savings by powerful land mafia, which enjoys not only patronage of those in power, but are now in partnership with few black sheep in the uniformed services.

Even the Hajjis have not been spared. State funds are being pilfered and those responsible enjoy protection of the elected government. The paid servants of the state convicted by superior judiciary of gross irregularities are being given other prize postings, which is encouragement for others to follow the suit. The ever widening gap between actual tax receipts and revenue targets set by the FBR shows the level of corruption that dominates its executive corridors.

Law and order in Pakistan has deteriorated and we are now being compared to countries like Rwanda, Afghanistan and Somalia. As if all this was not enough, the elections in AJK have been made controversial by none other than the ruling party, which appointed a minister notorious for wheeling and dealing to spearhead its electoral strategy.





  1. Pakistan today is in a mess, having been declared as amongst the 12th worse Failed State, in league with counries like Rwanda, Congo etc. The only hope being the acceptance by Supreme Court that there is corruption in lower judiciary and submission by armed forces to respect the Supreme Court ruling ordering transfer of DG Rangers Sindh, while Zardari led PPP continues to flout its rulings.. We can only hope to come out of this mess, if we accept our faults. Unfortunately this political government is hell bent upon continuing its agenda of LOOT & PLUNDER, destroy all institutions and than appoint a man like Manzoor Wattoo to plan the rigging of elections in AJK. The media has also failed by not pursuing the main issues which plague this country. Can this media explain why it is silent when it comes to Riaz Malik or Moonis Elahi. Don't they know the rutless manner in which the looting has taken place and billions of dollars have been transferred abroad, while factories are being shut down and set up in Bangla Desh by our Pakistani investors.

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