Pakistan Today

Within limits

Pakistan armed forces are surrounded by critics after they were found killing innocent people in two different cases. During this tirade, the media and some of our politicians have started criticism against the forces as a means to settle scores. Not only the media but politicians have also taken a part to castigate the armed forces of their own country. The forces, after their disgrace, left the places where they used to be deployed and now the situation is that a number of people in Karachi have been killed within 4 to 5 days.

This all happened after acute criticism by the media and our politicians and it can definitely be felt that rangers are annoyed as their image is being worsening day by day which is actually a worse situation because law and order situation is an urgent need, not only in Karachi but also all over Pakistan.

Today, everybody knows that the media in Pakistani society has been penetrated and its working is appreciable but should the media take one party’s side or should it be independent? The media’s work is to suggest the solutions rather than criticise for criticism’s sake.

As Pakistani media is splitting hairs by presenting controversial programs against the armed forces, it is not in the interest of Pakistan and it should avoid spreading bias against any institutions. All the institutions, political parties and the media should be working in their limits because excess of everything is harmful. The army, for its part, should open itself up to accountability so that it can free itself from this vituperation. The government should arrange some policies and take some serious initiatives to train the forces and try to bring change in their attitude and behaviour. People of Pakistan still love their forces and definitely look at them for security. But they will have a difficult time doing so if things keep up the way they have been.




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