Popemobile to become green machine: report


Mercedes-Benz is busy making a greener hybrid Popemobile for Pope Benedict XVI, a news report claims. However a Vatican spokesman denied the prediction that it would be ready for Benedict’s visit to his native Germany in September. According to the report, the new Popemobile will be based on the four-wheel drive M Class Mercedes with a hybrid electric-petrol motor. The rechargeable lithium-ion battery will allow it to drive 30 kilometres (16 miles) without any emissions. The pope would not be allowed to use a purely electric-driven car as the Popemobile must have the capacity to take off swiftly in case of emergency, the report said. A Mercedes-Benz spokesman denied to provide details for reasons of confidentiality.
Mercedes has provided special cars to successive popes since the 1980s. Benedict XVI, sometimes labelled ‘the green pope’ in the Italian press, has emphasised the defense of ‘God’s works’ and therefore the need to protect the environment. Vatican spokesman Federicoo Lombardi told on Saturday that while the project for a new car was under development, it was not yet finalised and the vehicle would not be ready before the end of the year.