War is not the answer


War is something that has been with us ever since humans started having an insatiable appetite for land, or other things they lack. Over the years, people started thinking about the effectiveness of war, and if it should be practiced. The gruesome effects of the US nuclear bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki are an eye opener of what catastrophic results are to be expected if a whole nuclear war is waged in today’s world. Despite the fact that countries still find reasons to go at loggerheads with each other, it can never be justified.

One major reason why war is never justified is that it causes disintegration of the economies of both the opponents. This can lead to an economic depression. The US-led aggression disturbed two whole nations – Afghanistan and Pakistan. Terrorism, which was confined to certain localities, has spread like a plague. The coalition forces are now trying to negotiate with the extremist groups to find common ground – a whole decade of fighting, for nothing.

In this modern world, one cannot even think of committing a stupid act because it would only take a split second to spark a whole nuclear war. Eventually, countries will one day realise that war is not a solution; it just adds fuel to fire, and increases hatred. A simple table talk is all it takes to settle scores.

