Mind your language


PML(N) Punjab’s foot-in-mouth law minister often lands his party into trouble for his infelicitous choice of words. During a recent outburst, he declared former law minister Babar Awan as a person who deserves to be killed. The term that he employed was wajib-ul-qatl which is common among sectarian terrorists who use it to justify the killing of the members of rival sects. Terms of the sort have led to the cold-blooded murder of scores of innocent Ahmadis, Shias and Christians. Among the latest victims was former Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer who was also declared wajiub-ul-qatl by some of the extremists. With politicians bandying terms like these, they are liable to cause a lot of mischief.

Many would readily agree that like numerous other politicians, former law minister Babar Awan is also a controversial figure. But this does not justify issuing edicts for his physical elimination. The least one expects from Rana Sanaullah, who is himself a lawyer, is that he would abide by the law while issuing statements and abstain from using words which could make him culpable under the law. Lawyers are known for arguing their briefs dispassionately. They avoid inflammatory expressions that can act as an incitement to crime. The statement is all the more reprehensible as it comes at a time when the whole nation is suffering from terrorism and there is a consensus that the law of the jungle needs to be replaced with the rule of law.

One had hoped that tolerance would be the hallmark of the country’s politicians after what they brought upon themselves as a consequence of their no-holds-barred fighting during the 90’s. The law minister’s statement reveals a mindset that characterises the extremists. His words would strengthen the allegations that he patronised terrorist outfits during the last elections and in fact campaigned with Sipah-e-Sahaba in Jhang. The statement naturally led to uproar in the Punjab Assembly and in the Parliament. Through a unanimous resolution, the Senate has demanded his removal from the office of law minister. The least one expects from CM Punjab is to rein in Rana Sanaullah.



  1. Rana Sanaullah does not know about the civilized behaviors of polictics and reponsibile positions as well as his leaders which gave him this position.

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