PML-Q voices support for Saraiki province


Just a day after the PPP voiced support for a separate province on the Saraiki belt, the PML-Q, surfacing for the first time on the Punjab Assembly floor, demanded formation of a Saraiki province in southern Punjab.
The introduction of the issue in the Punjab Assembly by the two allies in the federal government illustrates that the formation of a separate province for Saraiki people would be a major slogan to win electoral votes in South Punjab.Political pundits have declared that opposition leaders’ strategy towards South Punjab would compel the Shahbaz government to change its mind and come up with a new and comprehensive policy on the issue.
Earlier, PML-Q Punjab President Pervaiz Elahi came up with the support for longstanding demand of Saraiki national parties, saying the establishment of a province in South Punjab would bring prosperity, healthcare and education facilities to the people of the region.Parliamentary leader of the PML-Q Chaudhry Zaheeruddin said the PML-N had miserably failed in resolving the problems of the masses.
PML-Functional leader Ahmed Mahmood said the PML-N should think over the issue and should support the cause
instead of opposing it.


  1. WHy is it wrong to divide Punjab. SInce 1947 15% of the development funds have been used i nthe south. SOuth Punjab has 33% of population and has one Government university and North punjab has 67% of population and has 17 Univrsities. R U DUMB MR.akhtar Secondly Saraiki is a separe language than Punjabi and we are tired of Punjabi Rule. The governemtn cant handle violence in Karachi and QUtta. Imagine if violance breaks out in Seraiki population with 2.82 crore poupulation.

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