Pakistan Today

An apology

After watching the PNS base attack, every Pakistani was overwhelmed with patriotism. But did any of us use it, except some of us like Captian Yasir Abbas his fellow and their families. They are the ones who remembered their oath to always defend their country form evil. They really did their part, unlike us who watched the whole accident as yet another accident which drew an image of our beloved state as an unstable and weak country to the world. Most of us must have got bored with this accident and changed channels to our “favourite shows”, some of us would have shown deepest of sorrows to the families of the affected families during our drawing room conversations.
As we know it well that the rulers are not fair in their dealings, even after knowing their faults, we cast our votes to elect them. I felt guilty for being among those who are Pakistanis just by words and not in actions.

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