The way forward


A well thought out analysis of the current situation and its likely impact in the coming days has been reflected in “On the ropes”. While concluding the writer has wished there has to be engagement to defeat the Hydra-headed monster of terrorism. Time to unite rather than divide.

How can you achieve this under the circumstances when day in and out army is being attacked for its failure? Look at the language being used by certain politicians and some anchors against their national army.

Just for a moment take out the army from the scene, what havoc the country can undergo is difficult to comprehend. Mian Nawaz Sharif still living in the age of 1999, the earlier he comes out of it and accepts the ground realities would be in his interests. Such utterences are in fact an attempt to demoralise the armed forces. This trend is something very dangerous for the country.

Under the circumstances, the political leadership and the parliament must prepare a comprehensive and transparent policy to redefine the contours of cooperation with the US in war on terrorism and offer guidelines to the armed forces to achieve national objectives instead of criticising them as this will disintegrate us beyond comprehension. We need real unity in its practical shape and not to be used as rhetoric.

