The meaning of drones


Before CIA-operated drones began to blow our people to pieces, the word ‘drone’ was considered innocuous. If someone said so and so was a useless drone, it meant he was a dunce not worth noting.

Now we have actually grasped the meaning of drone. It can render families homeless, children fatherless and women widows before you can utter the word ‘drone’.

Prime Minister Gilani doesn’t like drones neither does the army chief, but Mr Zardari has no issue with them since he is on record having said so to the Americans.

Predator and Reaper drones carry Hellfire missiles, which on striking the ill-fated people suck the oxygen around. So other living things like animals, birds, and insects too die a painful death. Humans are blown to pieces; their bones and flesh sometime flying in the air.

Private TV channels should interview the lucky ones who survived a drone attack for the viewers to know how it feels on the other end of joysticks the drone operators use to cause mayhem. Would someone inform the public how many ‘terrorists’ and Hellfire missiles are left behind?

