Pakistan Today

Safety on the road

Every day, many people leaving from their houses to reach the desire place, mostly by walking. In Karachi, traffic on the road is dreadfully very high in speed and no one gives any room to the others especially our mini buses and lorries.

They just blindly fly their vehicles on the roads without following the traffic rules and regulations, because they know if they are caught red handed committing any violation, they will soon be released by greasing the palms of our honourable police men respectfully.

For crossing the big roads and high ways, our city government made some overhead pedestrian bridges for the convenience of the people; but the sad thing is that people don’t often use them to cross their ways, especially at night. They feel terror and insecurity because of the high probability of being mugged and attacked. Even the street lights are off at nights in ‘the city of lights’, I do not know why?

Because of all these pitiful things, people furiously tend to put their lives at risk by crossing the roads without using these pedestrian bridges or zebra crossings. Due to this, the ratio of the road accidents also increases, many of their victims being women, children and old people.

So, it is my humble request to you, to raise this issue through your reputed newspaper so that the higher authorities for taking some constructive steps towards this major problem by which the innocent people would not able to follow the safe pedestrian rules and put themselves in a very critical situation unwillingly, and become the victims of road accidents.




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