Fehmida summons meeting on Friday


National Assembly Speaker Dr Fehmida Mirza has summoned an all-important emergency meeting of security institutions on Friday as terrorism looms over the Parliament House during an important session for federal budget 2011-12.
According to reliable sources, the emergency meeting of security institutions under the speaker will be held on Friday at her chamber in which Interior secretary, Rangers, FC, officials of security institutions besides Senate and NA officials will attend the vital meeting. Sources informed Online that, the meeting will review methodical security arrangements during the budget session that will take place later in the Parliament House.
New Security plan will be established to avoid any untoward incident. No Guests without permission will be allowed while all entry and exit points will be monitored while all vehicles will have to pass a checking procedure. It must be mentioned here that Security Agencies have provided substantial information that Federal Capital could be targeted by terrorism and their primarily target could be Parliament House hence NA Speaker summoned meeting of security institutions on Friday, sources concluded.


  1. I hope one day, when there is a session of parliament going on and every politician is present their, some one goes in and blows up a major bomb. only then their will be some ray of hope for Pakistan

  2. No matter is country enslaved to drones,IMF,UK,NATO,India,USA ,the secirty of nation is no bothervto you,PPP-Zardari,MQM,ANP,MLQ etc but when it comes to your own -you call emergency sessions.That is your concern of Pakistan and seventeen crore people of Pakistan.

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