Purpose of education


“The ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr”, Muhammad SAW said. Education ensures all-round development of the individual. It seeks to bring about growth and development within the individual. It transforms the instinctive behaviour to human. Literacy is the mere ability to read and write. It is disappointing to see a mob of literates all around us, who cannot be called educated. There is an inverse relation between education and literacy.

In my opinion the ‘present era’ has put education under an entirely different perspective. The primary motive of education is to provide economic prosperity to a country.

It creates an opportunity for individuals to earn respectable living. There lies a width but no depth in our current educational system. The individuals today have an easy access to knowledge that creates a false impression that he/she is more enlightened than anyone else. This problem not only exists at the college level but also at the professional level. After acquiring degrees people think they are superior to all other people falling under them in organisational hierarchy.

Most of people tend to neglect the opinions of their juniors and don’t respect their elders working at lower positions. Hence, in spite of possessing a higher educational qualification they are called as uneducated or merely literate for underestimating the expertise of their colleagues. So let’s join our hands together to seek a kind of education which may build up strong roots of morality and which may reflect our personality through our acts and behaviour.

