Pakistan Today

Global warming

We have all heard and known about the global warming phenomena that is the increase in the temperature of the earth’s surface and as a result of which all the glaciers would melt one day and all the land mass will be covered by water.

This increase of temperature is taking place because sun’s radiation gets trapped by the so-called greenhouse gases, which are: carbon dioxide, methane, and chlorofluorocarbons, as well as water vapours. The temperature of the earth’s surface is increasing by an average of 0.17C per decade.

Although the increase in temperature is very minor and will take hundreds of years for the glaciers to melt but the bitter truth is that a mini ice-age is waiting for us.

One wonders what will happen when all the land will submerge in water. As all the glaciers will melt and there will be water all over, the rate of evaporation will be faster and there will be thick cloud formation and a lot of rain. Due to such thick clouds sunlight will not be able to reach the earth’s surface and the temperature will begin to drop rapidly. Slowly but surely all the water will begin to freeze. This would be a long and slow process but it is going to befall upon us.

When this situation befalls countries like America, Canada and UK would be totally frozen ice caps making it impossible for humans to survive. Then the Asian countries will be the most suitable region to live.




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