Pakistan Today

Yesterday and today

A TV anchor the other day in his talk show gave reference of President Ayub’s visit to US in 1961. Some video clips were also shown. The video on YouTube is such which really makes us feel proud of the leadership of that time. The way President Ayub was greeted by President Kennedy and his cabinet was an honor. The US President went two stairs up the plane to extend welcome to the Pakistani President.

The address to the US parliamentarians and the words selected, reflected the dignity and honour of his nation. The way he was greeted on the roads and millions of people showering flowers on him standing on both sides was unprecedented. Wherever, our President visited US, he was honored, respected and folks were eager to shake hands with him. Both the Presidents returned greetings of the people driving in their open limousine. The UN Secretary General greeted him in New York. The UN, as well as US, offered their support and he was the favorite of US media.

No one doubted his visit. Everyone was impressed by his patriotism and loyalty to his country. The nation felt proud and trusted him. Why such a magnificent protocol? The only answer is that the leadership had a vision and the honor of the country was above everything else. It was a two way communication based on mutual respect. Yesterday was a glorious period. What happened today? We should not ban or avoid watching our past glorious moments but learn from them and try to analyze our present profile.




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