A bastion of corruption


Mr Altaf Hussain in his latest address has once again talked of waging a war against corruption and called upon all major political leaders to bring back their assets to Pakistan. The question is that he has to lead by example, revoke his British nationality, and return back all assets owned by him and his party back to Pakistan. After all Sonia Gandhi, an Italian by birth, revoked her nationality in order to do national politics in India. Why should the MQM have their head office outside Pakistan, when they do politics in this country?

I would like to see Altaf Hussain order his party minister, who has been heading KPT for the most part of last eight years hold a judicial and departmental investigation into the hundreds of thousands of containers that have gone missing after being cleared against fake documents as ISAF cargo. Why is the MQM not instrumental in getting arrested target killers, criminals and murderers who have terrorised the citizens of Karachi for more than a decade?

These containers loaded with billions of dollars worth of contraband cargo including ammunition were smuggled into Pakistan with connivance of customs, KPT security and NLC. Why are we surprised when terrorists, who launched a successful operation at PNS Mehran, were equipped with night vision goggles and latest electronics equipment and weapons? Karachi’s markets are loaded with smuggled goods and the unchecked target killings and street crimes have reduced this once beautiful metropolitan city to one of the most dangerous cities of Asia and the world.

