The role of a teacher


It has been well said that “good teaching is what we can make the student do for himself”. The language teacher’s task is to create an environment in which students can learn most effectively and overcome their shortcomings, hindrances and sometimes confusion as well. Teaching is not stuffing the mind of the student with information. It is for this reason that quality teaching is based on the premise “All teachers should teach well and all students should learn well.”

This quality teaching is the need of the time in our second/foreign language classrooms where learners should be exposed to the opportunities to learn and to use English well. Moreover, they must be given confidence to use language outside the classrooms.

We, as teachers, must know when to teach and when to stand aside, when to explain and when to leave students to use language at their own, when to demonstrate and when to leave them scope for free expression. The two very important aspects of teachings are ‘stimulation’ and ‘inspiration’.

The teachers must fire the enthusiasm of their pupils. They must encourage them in the development of their natural desire to work and to be natural and guide these desires into worthwhile channels.

