Security lapses


Intruders are having a rollicking time; they calmly enter any selected sensitive area /installation, accomplish their mission, lose couple of comrades and disappear into the maddening crowd. As simple as that.

One is at a loss to comprehend such slip shod security arrangements. What does term “heavily guarded security” area implies, what were these gun totting sentries sitting behind thick double deck sand bags waiting for, a whistle to open fire? Such expensive aircrafts were lost due to sheer intelligence and security incompetence. These sentries are not trained to tackle such sophisticated well planned night attacks. What we need is young educated motivated well trained youth, which are available in plenty in the country. Why not enrol these vibrant die hard young lot and give them concentrated training dose at a commando school, give them good pay scale and depute at sensitive locations. I am sure they will be ten times better soldiers than the present slow reacting sentries.

