Time to re-organise


As regards the civilian rulers, the less said the better. But unfortunately, Gen Zia-ul-Haq and Gen Pervez Musharraf have left behind the legacies which seem difficult to overcome. The armed forces have been indulging in un-professional activities for the last almost 30 years. To quote a few, they are running marriage halls, cinemas and theatres, golf courses, societies/DHAs beyond the scope and mandate etc. Every senior officer is having a fleet of luxury cars. Junior officers are naturally picking up the trail from their seniors and indulging in whatever they can.

These have been un-called for practices. However the results have been seen by the countrymen. The terrorist attacks on various major installations of three services during the last few years should have woken up the senior officers to take stock of the weaknesses in their training and to shed away the complacency. It is the listing of wrong priorities that we are witnessing such failures.

When the services cannot protect GHQ, air bases and other important installations, the question arises as to how would they defend the borders and sovereignty of the country? Time is still with us. The CJCSC and the three services chiefs must now only concentrate in taking stock of the weaknesses, shedding away the pomp and show and developing the living standards of senior officers. Only professionalism in the right direction will bring the dividends.

