Pakistan Today

Household poisons

Various items that have aided in making our lives luxurious and easier can prove to be hazardous if not used carefully. We see that in former days people used to consider stoves, flues and knives as the most dangerous items in a kitchen but today we have discovered that even very common cooking ingredients are not as innocent as considered to be. Baking powder, one of its most common ingredients is Tartaric acid which is a mild irritant.

Baking soda may cause alkalosis if overdosed. Items like Bleaches, drain opener, acids, batteries, washing soda, dyes, mosquito repellent, although common names but should be dealt with care in houses. If you are young and especially a young woman, items like perfume, cuticle remover and nail polish would surely be a part of your lives. These things prove to be a serious life threat if taken inside the body, accidentally or intentionally.

If there are children in your home, every family member needs to be very cautious as children are too young to understand what danger lies behind some very simple things. Apart from usefulness and striking aspects of these items, their chemical composition is not safe. Nowadays, self-medication is quite common though it is not advisable but as it is in practice and most of the houses are supplied with common preparations such as antiseptics, cough remedies head-ache remedies sleeping pills etc.

There are few precautions advised. First of all you need to ensure that these items are not expired. Secondly, you need to check their perfect storage. They should also not be used unnecessarily by young people at homes because in such cases it would cause illness rather than the cure. Besides these simple looking items, there are few more things which should be used with caution. They include insecticides, electricity apparatus, fuel items etc.




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