A stitch in time…


The proverb quoted above teaches us a valuable lesson. It means if we neglect a minor mishap in our life than it will lead to bigger and serious consequences afterwards. A small hole in a canal bank can easily be repaired in low cost and less time by three or four labourers but if it is regarded as being too significant to need attention, it will steadily but surely developed into a disastrous breach needed a lot of resources to repair it.

It is obvious that we can save ourselves from a lot of troubles by taking due notice of things in time. If one or two cases of dengue fever occur in some locality, the health officer can prevent its outbreak by taking the necessary measures at once. But if they allow it to drift by considering it a minor thing, it will surely cover the whole area with disease.

An enemy abolishing the territory of the country can easily be countered but if it is neglected then it will surely lead to a big force of enemies abolishing the territory which will create a great disaster so, it is better to clear the trouble in time when it starts otherwise it will become a big one which will be difficult to counter.

