De-radicalising society


The attack inside PNS Mehran was the most audacious operation by the terrorists after the strike at GHQ in 2009. While claiming responsibility for the attack, a TTP spokesman has announced that it was conducted to avenge the killing of OBL. This makes no sense at all as bin Laden was dispatched in a covert operation by the American navy SEALS without the knowledge or understanding of the Pakistani authorities. The real purpose behind the attack which occurred is, in fact, to raise the sagging morale of the TTP and Al-Qaeda operatives who have been deprived of their chief source of inspiration.

PNS Mehran was supposed to be one of the most heavily guarded military installations. What would, therefore, surprise many is that the terrorists managed to enter the sprawling naval base after which they badly damaged two P-3C Orion aircrafts and then occupied at least two buildings and continued to fight the military commandos for many hours. Three attacks on navy personnel this month should have put those concerned on high alert. The attack on PNS Mehran would strengthen the case of those demanding the setting up of an independent commission to investigate the intelligence and security failures on May 2 in Abbottabad. There is a perception that if security failures had been duly probed by independent enquiry commissions, the country would have by now developed a more efficient intelligence security system. This is all the more important now that the US President Barack Obama has reiterated his stance of carrying out another operation like the one conducted on May 2 if need be.

There is also a perception that the operation would not have been possible without inside information and assistance. For nearly two decades after 1980 a comprehensive campaign was conducted to prepare the people for jihad. A propaganda campaign was launched which among other things involved idealising the jihadi groups and their leaders. The extremist clerics even radicalised security personnel and elements in the intelligence agencies. Some of those who fell under their spell were found later on to be involved in a conspiracy against the elected government while others conducted attacks against security establishments and personnel. This requires a comprehensive and all out de-radicalisation particularly of the military and intelligence institutions.



  1. though arguments in editorial are valid but the tone should have more punch……the way it is written seems mild.

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