Human trafficking


Human trafficking, especially of women and children has emerged as an issue of global concern in recent years. According to the gazette of Pakistan human trafficking means “obtaining, securing, selling, purchasing, recruiting, detaining, harboring or receiving a person by the use of coercion, kidnapping, abduction or by giving or receiving any payment or benefit. More than a million females and children are trafficked each year and are forced into prostitution, bonded labour, camel jockeys on false promises for a better future. It is a fact that global human trafficking has now become more lucrative than that of smuggling in arms and drugs.

It is important to recognise that the child trafficking is a complex issue including removal of a child from his or her family environment and placement into an exploitative situation. In other words human trafficking is the horrific crime by violating the basic human rights and put the lives of victims of trafficking at stake, causing extreme misery to the victims. There is the need of an international union for the protection of human rights to nip this evil in the bud. Pakistan government should also take active steps to check and control this horrific crime.

