Happily never after?


A marriage typically starts on a happy note and the boy and girl think that they have got their perfect life partners. But after sometime when they come to know each other, they find each other’s habits annoying or disturbing. The situation becomes unbearable and they decide to leave and what was called the start of happy life a few months ago ends up on an extremely sad note.

The divorce ratio is increasing in the country. One reason could be choosing your partner too early when you are not aware of his/her nature, family etc. Forced marriages could be another reason. Joint family system often causes dispute which results in separation of couple. Economic problem are also one of the important causes of separation.

Divorce is something which is disliked by Allah but it is allowed because there are situations where divorce is the only choice left. In lower classes it has been seen that dowry is becoming one of the causes of divorce. Another factor is the empowerment of women. Education has given women awareness. Media has given them awareness about their rights. These issues look smaller but are actually destroying our social fabric.

