Growing depression rate


Anxiety and depressive disorders are common in all regions of the world. They constitute a substantial proportion of the global burden of disease, and are projected to form the second most common cause of disability by 2020. Low income countries like Pakistan face tough challenge in this respect where only a low percentage of gross domestic products are allocated to health services. These disorders are also important because of their economic consequences.

Depression is affecting every class of society in a variety of ways, where adults are losing interest or pleasure in their usual activities, feeling worthless, tend to isolate from society, face irritability, fatigue, sleeping problems, and thoughts of death or suicide.

As in many other countries, women in Pakistan generally have higher rates of depression than men. Most women perceive that financial, interpersonal, and family problems are causative or contributory factors in their ill health. They also link their health to broader social institutions and cultural norms and expectations regarding women’s roles and relationships between family members.

As depression is the root cause of many mental disorders and sickness, there is a need to develop an evidence base to aid policy development on tackling anxiety and depressive disorders on a national level in Pakistan.





  1. Epidemiology of Depression.
    The epidemiological studies from Pakistan have given rise conflict findings. Beside very high prevalence in different studies rates from Northern Pakistan are much different from big urban centers such as Karachi.
    Prevalence of Depression from community studies in Pakistan

    S.No.Site Female Male
    1North Pakistan.46%15%
    2Rural Punjab.66%25%
    3Urban Karachi.57.5%25.5%
    4Semi-Urban Karachi.42.2%18.1%
    5Urban Punjab.25%10%

    The findings of study are taken to face value than every third Pakistani is expected to be suffering from Depression and Anxiety.
    Ref: Jan,-June 2007, Volume 4, No.1
    Depression in Pakistan: An epidemiological critique.
    Tutorial article. No.10. Haider Naqvi

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