Technical education


Technical education deals with some practical or mechanical skill. It includes training in a trade, commerce, agriculture, medicine, and engineering.

We can increase the material resources of our country with its help. If a country has its own technical experts it can save a lot of foreign exchange. Quaid-e-Azam said in a message to the Pakistan Educational Conference (1947), “You know that the importance of education and the right type of education cannot be over-emphasised. Under foreign rule for over a century sufficient attention has not been paid to the education of our people. There is immediate and urgent need for giving scientific and technical education to our people in order to develop science, commerce, and trade and particularly well planned industries. We should not forget that we have to compete with the world, which is moving very fast in this direction.” So, while keeping this saying in mind we should think about it because in Pakistan there is a lack of technical education. People hate to learn practical skills. Our country is rich in raw material resources but we don’t have technical knowledge to benefit from them. In this respect we must take two steps. First, more technical institutions should be set up. Secondly, the idea of the “dignity of labour” should be popularised so that our country can develop.

